And so it begins kirk and bones on an alien world being chased by wild alien tribesman,while Spock trys to plant a cold fusion device in a nearby volcano to avert there planets ,and there destruction,kirk and bones make it back to the ship however Spock is left in peril and is ready to sacrifice himself ,but is saved by kirk by a violation of the sacred starfleet prime directive,back on earth kirk is demoted and Spock reassigned,but theses events take a back seat when a terrorist attack and a mysterious starfleet agent poses a huge threat to the federation,well i didn't really know what to expect here ,however i was rewarded with the usual jj Abraham kinetic pacing ,stunning visuals,and a story that really got my star trek blood pumping plus a couple of good reveals and twists that keep you guessing,good performances all round from principle cast , Benedict cumberpatch was maybe not fleshed out enough ,but still superb also enjoyed peter Weller a personal favourite of mine,this is in every respect what i wanted from this movie and maybe a little bit more!